Welcome to the vouchercloud press office - we love talking all things money saving!
vouchercloud offers up an unrivalled selection of voucher codes and deals for online shopping, alongside instant access to offers on the go using your mobile phone - and Europe's first vouchering app.
Within the vouchercloud press office, you will be able to find all our media activity, reach key contacts within our team, and speak to our PR team with any media-specific enquiries.
We welcome any contact regarding interviews, opportunities and any of our existing media activity - and if you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch.

Key facts and figures
10 million app downloads
The vouchercloud app has been downloaded more than 10 million times by savvy savers worldwide.
11 territories worldwide
vouchercloud is represented in 11 territories around the world, including Germany, Netherlands and Ireland.
12,000 retailer relationships
We work with more than 12,000 retailers to help our users save on everything from fashion and food to travel and electricals.
5 million monthly web sessions
5 million shoppers visit our site every month to access our huge range of money saving deals.
4.8 million users
Our database of 4.8 million users receive personalised offers so they can save every time they shop.
We're proud of our innovative creative campaigns, with International PMA & DADI award wins under our belt.
Our great resources
Our media approach
Whether it's affiliate research, news surveys or the latest pop-culture-quip, vouchercloud is always in the news. Contact our team to hear about our latest projects.
Our infographics & research
We also regulaly produce infographics and other content to engage, educate and entertain our readers. Our guides page is chock-full of interesting content!