Can I leave a review for ScS?
Yes, ScS has partnered up with TrustPilot, the independent reviewing website, so that you can easily leave a review and read other customers’ reviews.
Does ScS provide a collection service for old sofas?
While ScS doesn’t provide its own collection service, it does recommend a few recycling options on the ‘Old Sofa Removal’ page of the website.
Does ScS provide any kind of care guidelines?
Yes, go to the ‘Caring for your Products’ page for specific care info on each type of product.
ScS has a lot of furniture-shaped history behind it. It started life up in Sunderland, initially as a family-run enterprise in 1894. Fast-forward nearly 100 years and ScS had expanded to 8 outlets selling upholstered furniture. Following a buyout in 1993, ScS cast its net further afield and opened stores all round the country adding larger, more modern premises to out of town business parks. ScS now stocks a wide range of products, from carpets to leather and fabric covered sofas and dining tables.
If you’re settling into a new house and need to tackle the lackluster floors, ScS provide a great collection of carpets, vinyl, wood and laminate flooring to give any surface a new lease of life. You’ll be in good company too, as ScS stock brands such as Wilton Royal, Endurance and Hugh Mackay. Once the flooring is down - maybe you’ll realise you need a new sofa. ScS is sure to satisfy all tastes and budgets with a selection of corner sofas, recliners, arm chairs and everything in between.
- Choose your code from the vouchercloud website, click through to the ScS website
- Add items on offer to your basket, then go to ‘shopping basket’
- Pop your code into the ‘do you have a promo code’ box, click apply
- Your savings will be deducted before you go through to the payment pages
- Complete your transaction

Subscribe to the ScS newsletter to cash in on all sorts of special offers and read up on the latest news.
Online Sales team: 0800 731 0048
Furniture After care: 0191 521 9521
Flooring aftercare: 0191 514 6414
ScS offers delivery 6 days a week - Monday to Saturday. For more info about delivery methods and timings, please go to the ScS ‘Delivery Advice’ page.
ScS understands circumstances change and that customers may need to cancel or return a product. You can find the full list of terms and conditions on the ‘cancellations and returns’ page of the website.
Opening times may vary from store to store, so we suggest finding the store you wish to visit via the ‘Store Locator’ tool and finding the opening times through that route.