What is the Air France baggage allowance?
This varies between flights, you can use the nifty baggage calculator to find out how much you can bring on board and more!
Can I modify my Air France reservation?
To make amendments to your flight details, find your reservation online and go to the ‘review/modify your reservations’ area to make your changes.
When should I check-in with Air France?
You can check in from 30 hours prior to your flight, do this online to choose your seat.
When you want to see the world, Air France can take you there. With an astounding selection of sought after destinations to discover with this luxurious airline, you can trust Air France to fly to there in style. With fare options to suit both leisure and business travellers alike, for a honeymoon in Rome or a business affair in Beirut - Air France is committed to pristine customer service and will take care of you every step of your journey. With car hire options and a wide selection of hotels to choose from online too, you can plan your trip from start to finish with Air France.
For the business traveller, enjoy a whole host of benefits with SkyPriority. From exclusive check-in areas and relaxing airport lounges before your board, to a truly restful environment when you’re on the plane - dabble in some last minute work or unwind before a conference - you’ll be in the perfect settings here. While even if you fly economy class, you’re sure to be impressed with exquisite dining options, comfortable seats and more. Let Air France take you on a trip of a lifetime, which will be memorable from start to finish. Visit the travel guide online and find plenty of travel inspiration. With ideas just for 2, the whole family, with a focus on arts & culture, nature or other - you can tailor your holiday choice with help from the experts and you can count on Air France to let you get more from your trip.
- Select the offer of your choice at vouchercloud and copy the Air France discount code if presented
- Follow our link to Air France’s website and enter your flight search criteria
- Choose the fares that suit you and click ‘Continue’
- Choose any extras such as baggage before continuing
- Log on, create an account or continue as a guest
- Enter your personal details and your code to redeem in the discount code section
- Any offer which doesn’t require a code will be included automatically.

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You can request a refund, cancel or change your booking online under the ‘review/modify your reservations’ area.
Call to purchase tickets: 0207 660 0337
Monday to Friday 8.00 am - 8.00pm
Saturday and Sunday 9.00am - 5.30pm